Weird and Wacky World
Weird and Wacky World
Psychic Medium - Lynn Nicholls (# 043)
Psychic Medium - Lynn Nicholls (S3-E12)
The JabberGuys welcome Lynn Nicholls to the podcast. Lynn is a highly sought-after Intuition Expert and Psychic Medium located in Niagara Falls, Canada. She joins the JabberGuys to share her stories about helping people connect with the Other Side.
Lynn shares how she discovered her abilities and her first experience with spirits.
What is the difference between a spirit and a ghost?
What about past lives?
Yep, Lynn verifies that Ote’s house and backyard are occupied by spirits. Likely originating from the war of 1812, since the bloodiest battles occurred just steps from his property. (The Battle of Lundy’s Lane and the Battle of Drummond Hill). But are they friendly?
Cha and Ote tell of their experiences with a spirit in Ote’s house.
Lynn helps the JabberGuys with some insights for their father who passed about a year ago, and explains that those with severe dementia, like their mom, can project a spirit when sleeping as they prepare to cross over.
Lynn shares her up close encounter with a confused spirit who had just passed at a campground.
Lynn talks about how you identify the many scammers out there who fraudulently represent themselves as psychic mediums?
How does Lynn deal with the non-believers?
Has Lynn worked with the police, or provided insights for the families of victims?
Does Lynn ever attract angry spirits?
What are Lynn’s thoughts on Ouija Boards?
How do you get rid of nasty spirits?
Lynn’s thoughts on energy healing.
The most haunted cemetery in Canada, Drummond Hill Cemetery, Niagara Falls. (A few minutes from Ote’s house)
What is the deal with anchovies?
What are Lynn’s rules for spirits to maintain her own peace of mind and personal privacy?
Lynn tries to do a reading for the JabberGuys.
Do all dogs go to “heaven”?
Lynn explains how to ask for a sign for the spirits close to you.
Check out Lynn’s website tor Facebook to learn more about Intuition Coaching, Private Readings, and Special Events.
Website: Lynn Nicholls - Psychic Medium
Facebook: (Click Here)
Lynn’s Instagram: @lynn_nicholls (or for her Instagram on the web: Click Here)
Lynn will be at the National Women’s Show at the Toronto Convention Centre May 6-8, 2022
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