Weird and Wacky World
Weird and Wacky World
First Dates Gone Wrong (# 040)
First Dates Gone Wrong (S3-E9) - (S1-E5 revisited)
The JabberGuys share some of the oddest 'first-date' stories that will make you laugh, wonder, and ask 'WTF?'
The ‘Cat Guy’.
6 kids from 5 different women?
The Super Soaker and apple liqueur!
Queex explains about Toilet Targets for Boys
Stabbed on the first date.
COVID and blind dates.
The BK milkshake and wanker photos.
Newfoundland Rum - ‘Screech’
The Door Tackle.
An after-sushi visit back home … and no TP.
Finch (American Pie): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQWaXlsdyko
Poop schedules … WTF!
The COSTCO run.
They’re all blind dates!
Trolling for fat chicks.
My car and my gun.
Meet my family … Children of the Corn.
Ewww! … you don’t drive?
Cell phone on a short date.
Some pie with that?
"You Don’t Know!” … Galaxy Quest Movie Reference
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