Weird and Wacky World
Weird and Wacky World
The Fake Alien Invasion (# 038)
The Fake Alien Invasion (S3-E7)
The JabberGuys invite a special guest to this episode to dive into the conspiracy theory of a planned alien attack to create fear, and to force the population into submission and complete reliance on a one-world government.
Most of the world’s problems are due to over-population.
Yellowstone National Park's reintroduction of wolves is a good example of nature's balance. (Documentary)
Eisenhower treaty (1954) with the ‘Grey Aliens’ for advanced technologies in exchange for abduction of humans for research. (Article)
Roswell crash (1947): Was it alien technology or something from the Nazi experimental weapons arsenal?
What does the Bible say about aliens and UFOs?
(Genesis 6: 1-22) (Ezekiel 1: 4-28)
(Joseph Spencer video) - former ‘Man in Black’ CIA confessions, predicts flu virus (COVID) and Project Blue Beam.
Project Blue Beam - Serge Monast
The vaccine’s role in the overall plan? - nano particles and the 5G network?
Holographic projections and a fake alien attack to incite public fear and reliance on a one world government for protection?
What is the role of chemtrails? (YouTube 1)
Web strands falling from the sky? (YouTube 2)
Chinese holographic floating cities- (YouTube)
Was the ‘Phoenix Lights’ incident (1997) a test for Project Blue Beam?
Strange sounds in Kiev? Audio test for the fake invasion? (YouTube)
World Economic Forum Young Leaders program - Membership
Chrystia Freeland's (Canada’s Deputy PM) grandfather was a Nazi sympathizer.
By 2030 “You will own nothing and be happy” - Klaus Schwab, WEF, Davos
Bill Gates suggests in a Ted Talk that vaccines will help lower the world’s population. What?
Bill Gates father was a eugenicist… a belief in a genetically modified system to produce a superior race.
Tucker Carlson questions the excessive death rates of young people.
Boog shares his UFO experiences. (Orange Orb - YouTube)
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